Women’s Committee

We aim to represent ALL types of women members (and prospective members) from the “Legs Eleven” social riders to the speedier racers (road, time trial, track and cyclocross). Led by Women's Officer, Ruth Prior, the Women's Committee is dedicated to encouraging, promoting and facilitating women's cycling in the club (and beyond!). We are always on hand to share our knowledge on all aspects of cycling from beginners’ issues such as riding technique and what kit you need, to entering your first competition.

The aims of the Women’s Committee are integrated within the club as a whole, and we are fully supported by the Condors Board. The aims are as follows:
• To ensure all women are empowered and have the opportunity to join up, participate in and progress in the club. To move through the club: Progress through rides from Spring sessions to social and, if desired, then beyond to medium and on to racing and/or TT-ing.
• To ensure they are confident in their skills of cycling and bike maintenance (eg fixing a flat).
• To empower riders to get involved in the club if they wish, so that they feel confident and able to volunteer for the club in capacity such as ride leading, volunteering at club races, organising their own club events/socials, joining women’s committee, the board and so on.
• To encourage participation of groups currently underrepresented in the club such as Women of Colour, younger women, older women.
The Women's Committee operate under the principle of equity. We believe that women may need differing support to ensure equal outcome in the club and the achievement of the stated aims (for example through offering Women's Sessions or Women's Race Training and so on).

Ruth Prior

Women's Officer

This role ensures the equal access as well as women specific access to cycling within the club. The Condors are very proud pioneer women’s specific rides and access to competition.

Kristen Lovelock

Women's Race Secretary

The Condors have a big race team and arrange events through British Cycling. The race secretaries are responsible for ensuring these are planned and communicated as well as having final say on entrants if events are oversubscribed.

Jen Graystone

Social Media Lead

Brings all our good news to the masses! Supports the club in maintaining its social media output through facebook, twitter and instagram. Helps to collate content for our monthly newsflash.

Kat Young

I joined the Condors through the Women's Summer Sessions in 2015 by tagging along with a friend from Broken Spoke. Soon after I bought a second hand road bike and discovered my love for a social ride with coffee and cake. I now prefer going further rather than faster, and can be found doing a few audaxes a year. Strong advocate for personal bike mechanic skills and self-sufficiency, but on a Condor ride there will always be helping hands!

Sara Ward

Training & Development Officer

I’ve been keen (and to be clear that doesn’t mean fast) on cycling since my student days. Over the years I have had a go at solo, tandem and gravel riding and in many different settings - road, turbo trainer, velodrome, time trials and good old-fashioned touring. I particularly like using social riding to generate an endurance base for touring holidays in the UK and Europe. Memories of a 2019 trip from the Atlantic coast in northern Spain to the Mediterranean have sustained me and my partner (also a Condor) through lockdown. Cowley Road Condors’ diversity and veritable smorgasbord of activity suits me really well.

Helen Worrell

I came into road cycling by a bit of a backwards route. I’ve been following pro-cycling since I was young, spinning for a few years and I then thought should actually try this whole ‘riding a bike’ thing! I got my road bike in October 2015 and haven’t looked back! I joined the Condors through the Women’s Summer Sessions in 2016. I helped out with the Summer Sessions in 2017 and have done the Club’s ride leader training. I’ve really enjoyed cycling with the Condors, met loads of lovely people and am keen to get more and more people involved in cycling (whatever their pace)!