Condors: Covid Lockdown 2.0

31st October 2020

The government announcements this evening confirm a return to national lockdown for one month, effective Thursday 5 November. This is projected to end on Wednesday 2 December.

Outdoor exercise is encouraged and unlimited – but only with your household/bubble, on your own or with one other person from a different household. As a result, Condor group rides will be cancelled from Thursday 5 November.

If you have indoor riding options available to you then please join our Condors Indoors facebook group where Zwift and other indoor group rides are regularly organised.

We won’t be scheduling ‘pink posts’ for this period but please feel free to use our Condors facebook group to find a ride buddy if you need company or are feeling isolated. If you are not comfortable reaching out publicly, then please contact us and we’ll put you in touch with others.

The days may be shorter, and the outlook uncertain, but our positive community spirit will help with the difficult days ahead. KTFU.

Club President